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Barnado’s NHS Health Challenge Workshop

Key Stage 3 pupils took part in a Barnado’s ‘NHS Health Challenge Workshop’ this week. They explored their thought in groups on what the NHS is and ways that they keep themselves healthy. They shared their opinions on a variety of ‘challenge packs’ to provide Barnado’s feedback on the best ways to share and support young people with health and wellbeing. The activities were fun and engaging and all students benefitted while developing their teamwork, problem solving skills and communication.

As a thank you for their participation all students involved received a certificate along with a £20 gift voucher that can be spent in many stores including Argos, WH Smith and Footlocker plus many more.

Feedback from our visitors was amazing. They were impressed not only with the quality of input but also the exemplary behaviour, attitude, and focus. All KS3 represented Melland High School amazingly and should be very proud of their efforts.

Student Leaders Promoting their Roles and Responsibilities

The Student Leaders have recently been in to the Multimedia Studio for a photo shoot. The Student Leader page on the school website and the profile image on Bright-Futures website both needed updated as the team had new members who had been elected by their respective key stages. Also they have created Student Leader posters that will be displayed around school to promote the roles and let other pupils know how they can get help and support from their Student Leaders. As you can see along with the more formal looking photo for their webpage the students had a lot of fun posing and expressing a bit more of their own personalities.

KS3 Poster

KS4 Poster

6th Form Poster

G1’s Explore Their Senses

G1 have been introduced to a new book this term – Elmer the Elephant, and they have also been learning about the sounds of different instruments in Music. 

Each week we listen to the story Elmer the Elephant, a story that celebrates being different. Our new focus and theme this term is ‘I am Unique’. Whilst listening to the story of Elmer the pupils use their senses to really engage in the story. The pupils are given a choice of soft toys animals to explore that are in the story such as crocodiles, lions and giraffes. We also practise our painting skills – covering Elmer in grey paint, or ‘berry juice’ just like in the story. The pupils have been working hard to press big mac switches to listen to the different noises in the story such as the different animal noises. During our Art lesson we decorated milk cartons to look like Elmer with colourful tissue paper, googly eyes and glue. They light up nicely with tealight lights!

In Music we have been listening to the sounds of different instruments – Acoustic and electric guitar, the piano, the violin, the saxophone, drums and the trumpet. The pupils listen to the instrument sounds, and make the sounds themselves by using big mac switches, then listen to the instruments in different songs and genres of music. The class are beginning to get used to the different sounds and starting to show preferences for some instruments over others. The trumpet and the saxophone seem to be popular (listening to James Brown and The Madness), however the electric guitar isn’t as much of a favourite so far (listening to Gun’s N Roses)!

Crowcroft Park Community Project

This term at Melland High School, students from LG1 have taken part in a project in conjunction with Greater Manchester Police and Longsight Neighbourhood Policing Team at Crowcroft Park. 

Students have taken responsibility for cleaning and maintaining the site and demonstrated excellent teamwork and self-management by organising themselves into groups and working together to look after the area. 

The project also involves, repairing, maintaining, and repurposing stolen and lost bikes handed into the police station with the aim of redistributing them to the community.

Pupils will also be learning how to repair and maintain the bicycles. Over the course of the project the pupils will be developing their communication and problem-solving skills as they learn how the different parts of the bike work and what they could do if they get a puncture, or the chain broke whilst out on a bike ride. They will also develop their confidence and self-belief as the they gain more independence to repair the bikes by themselves.

LG1 have been a credit to the school and excellent role models for the local area, well done!

Pupils Learning to Regulate Their Emotions

KS3 TLA’s and TA’s who have introduced both sensory circuits and zones of regulation into students’ routines. These practises have been key in helping students to recognise and understand their emotions and how to regulate and manage them effectively. The depth of knowledge and understanding of the team is excellent. Alongside the KS3 teachers they have used their highly professional knowledge and skills to identify the individual needs of targeted students, planned personalised programmes and facilitated the sessions. We have already seen a huge impact on the student’s wellbeing, and they are using zones of regulation independently without prompts throughout the day. Each room has zones of regulation resources clearly on display and these are easily accessible for all students. Thank you as always for your hard work and dedication

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Melland High School
Gorton Education Village
50 Wembley Road, Gorton, Manchester, M18 7DT
Ofsted CEOP