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Students Row to Success

A group of year 9, 10 and 11 students recently took part in the Greater Manchester County Games Indoor Rowing Competition Finals at Oldham Sport for All Centre.

Having already taken part in the competition in its earlier stages and having proven their mettle we were invited to the finals.

The teams were; Braxton, Fahad,  Kais and Morgan who represented the year 9 boys. Aasia, Angelina, Anita and Princess represented the year 10 girls. Aaron, Irfan, Mardin and Marvellous represented the year 11 boys.

The star of the show was Princess, who had a tough start to her race with her foot coming loose and she ended up 10 seconds behind everyone else. Despite this, and despite falling off the rowing machine three times she showed unbelievable resilience and rowed to a photo finish winning 1st place.

The year 9 boys swept aside all competition taking all podium places, Morgan in particular finished nearly 50 metres in front.

The relay races showed the collaborative spirit of our students with all groups finishing in podium places, either 1st or 2nd.  It was great seeing our students cheering each other on with such passion and showing support to their peers.

The results were as follows:

Year 9 boys: Singles:

1st Morgan 2nd Fahad 3rd Kais

Relay: 1st place

Year 10 Girls:

Singles: 1st Princess

Relay: 2nd place

Year 11 boys:

Singles 3rd Marvellous

Relay 1st place

Melland FIFA 20 Tournament

FIFA 20 Tournament

Over the past 3 months students at Melland High School have been competing in a FIFA 20 tournament on the PS4. The format was similar to the world cup with player being drawn into groups and needing to come 1st or 2nd in their respective group to advance.

Then it was down to the knockout stages, last 16, quarter final, semi-final and then final. Over the course of the competition 65 matches were played and over 230 goals scored.

It wasn’t always clear who would get through to the final but in the end it came down to two sixth form students, Azman and Baazi. The friends had a very competitive match and the final result was 3-1 to Azman.

A huge thank you to all the staff that went out of their way to support the tournament, especially Mr Morgan and Mr Saddoo for letting us use the multimedia studio and the lunchtime organisers for being so flexible.

Melland High Cricket Team Represent Manchester

The Melland High School cricket team were selected to represent Manchester at a competition against other schools from Cheshire and Yorkshire. Not only did they show exceptional behaviour and team work throughout the day, their cricket skills were brilliant and they brought home the trophy! Well done to Irfan for leading the team as captain,  I’m sure you all join me in being extremely proud of them all and look forward to seeing them perform to such a high standard again soon.

Students Overcome Fears With NCS Challenge

During the summer, two of our sixth form pupils participated in the NCS Challenge. Luke and Marshall spent 4 weeks involved in a variety of activities designed to develop their independence and confidence and achieve more than they ever imagined. During phase one our young people had to spend a week away from home accessing outdoor pursuits working in teams and accessing activities such as archery and rock climbing.

In the second phase Luke and Marshall had the opportunity to stay in halls of residence where they would develop their life and living skills. This was followed by a two week community partnership in the community. Marshall, who has just started sixth form helped in Harperhey Community Garden. He had to help keep the garden and work with residents to ensure all plant life was cared for. Marshall overcome his fear of public speaking in a Dragon’s Den Style pitch to win £25 towards his community project and with sponsor input managed to raise around £300. Luke attended Mellor Mill in Marple which is an archaeological trust where he helped with the cleaning and weeding.

Marshall and Luke made lots of new friends on the project and developed their independence and confidence in a big way. They have started this school year incredible well with a new found maturity and awareness of the world around them. Luke was very encouraging about the scheme and said “NCS Challenge was inspirational and think others at our school would love it!”

They were both very excited last week as they celebrated their triumphs with a reward ceremony at the Palace Theatre where they received certificates for their triumphant completion of the course.


Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Melland High School
Gorton Education Village
50 Wembley Road, Gorton, Manchester, M18 7DT
Ofsted CEOP